Monday, March 06, 2006

Little Quimby

It is cleaning day and Little Quimby is not well. For the last few days she appears to have been losing weight and has been less active and I am sure I heard her crying out a couple of times. Now she appears to have had a stroke with some partial paralysis and I think she is now nearly blind. Quimby already had trouble with cataracts in one eye and now it appears the other eye may be lost. She was 'waltzing' at first but appears to be gaining back some stability. She gets extremely agitated when I pick her up, squeaking and insisting on being in motion. But when I put her back with her sisters she settles down. I am keeping Quimby and her sisters in the temporary cage so it will be easier to keep an eye on her through out the day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Fingers crossed for her.