Sweet old lady Ethel mouse passed as I held her. Ethel mouse had been in decline and when she was no longer interested in her wheel I knew the end was near. Two weeks ago I found her in some sort of respiratory distress, blood appearing to be coming out of her nose and mouth. I held her, expecting her to die that morning, but her breathing improved and she even became mildly pissy with me for holding her so long ("I have to go NOW.") Since then Ethel mouse appeared to make a come-back, but the signs were still pointing towards her decline. The morning I found her once again in distress, struggling, and she stumbled around in the cage, trying to run away from what was tormenting her. I picked Ethel mouse up and cuddled her to the end.
Ethel Mouse was one of many of what I called "the little brown mouse" type mouses, who was always feisty and independent, but could be quite the loving little mouse when the mood was right. Her friend Abigale mouse noticed right away Ethel mouse was gone and searched for her. Abigale mouse was always a caretaker mouse, minding her little girl Lizzy mouse and then Ethel mouse. Abigale mouse was cuddled for a long time and she eventually went to the nest she shared with Ethel mouse and slept with her head sticking out as if she were waiting for Ethel mouse's return...