Sunday, May 07, 2006

...and what about Clara?

This morning (Saturday) while I was attending to her, Clara had respiratory distress and convulsions. She would dramatically gasp while her whole body writhed. As I held her I was certain that it was the end... But she recovered and has had no further attacks. For awhile she laid in my hand and panted and then returned to 'normal.' Throughout the day I checked her and spent time with her. Her eyes are getting mucked up and there is some discharge. Part of her routine now, as it was when she first had her incident, is cleaning her with cotton balls, drying her off and dabbing her eyes gently to remove any debris. Clara has taken some of the water offered to her on the q-tip and has nibbled at bits of food. She is peeing and pooping and does react if she notices us looking in on her.

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