Friday, April 14, 2006

As Clara sleeps...

I tended to Clara this evening. Even before I picked her up she lifted her head and seemed to look right at me. I cleaned her eyes and gave her some water from a soaked cotton swab and q-tip. And then I tried my finger tip and Clara licked it all off. I hand feed her some bits of cheerios, dried banana and yogurt chips. Clara would play by pulling herself forward over my fingers and unto my other hand, just like she would when she was younger and healthier. She even grasped onto one of my fingertips with her paw, as if she was saying she was 'large and in charge.' [I think she might like me a little bit.]

When I put Clara down she seemed to have a little fit involving thrashing around and kicking her legs. It may have been nothing more than her way of saying she did not want to be put down yet. I helped her upright and set her in the middle of her space. After a while I looked in on her and she appeared to be sleeping. But when I made little kissing noises at her she looked right up at me.


TFLS said...

I really hope she's getting better, Christopher. The fact that her spirits have picked up is a very good sign!

Anonymous said...

She's clearly taking comfort in being with you; that must mean a lot to you both.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

What a sweet girl she is ~Poiland Tribe

Sham said...

She's a brave little girl

VLW said...

My heart really goes out to you.