Thursday, September 02, 2004

Tiny, but powerful

My mice have become very powerful in my life. I wake up to them, hear their squeaks as I go to bed, and have come to love the musky smell of their nests. You can easily spend hours watching their antics, and if you befriend a mouse, they are your friend for life. A very brief life, mind you, since they only live on average two years. But they are precious years that will change your life forever...

1 comment:

RenaSherwood said...

Well written. Perhaps mouse or rat is your totem. there's definately a lot of wisdom from mice/rats. they pack so much living into such a short time, and tend to easily adapt to wherever they wind up. SOmetimes, I think when mice/rats get the chance to reincarnate, they choose to come back as mice/rats!